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Metta Round The World


Message from Our Advisor


Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera

Chief High Priest (Judiciary) of Malaysia/ Adhikarana Sangha Nayaka of Malaysia
And Chief Monk, Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


I would like to encourage every individual, organization and temple to support Bhante Mahinda and Aloka Foundation’s noble project ‘Metta Round The World – Global Meditation for Compassionate Love’.

Metta is loving-kindness, friendliness or good will. Buddha taught that we should be loving and kind to all beings. Metta lies between the two extremes of selfishness and hatred. Metta must first be practiced towards oneself. One can’t love others without establishing love in one’s own self.

Having cultivated loving-kindness in one’s own heart then one can radiate love to other sentient beings. Following the teachings of the compassionate Buddha; let us with one mind radiate metta to the world.

Let us as responsible citizens of this world participate in this noble project and do our part for world peace, harmony and stability. The practice of metta brings peace to oneself and to all sentient beings in the world.

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